Sunday, July 27, 2008

Me, Mine and Myself.! Part I

Well, since no new topics went over my head, i decided to write a blog all about myself-My life, My day and My interests !

Well to start off.!

  • My parents.!

The dearest ones for me.! (as in the case of everyone i suppose)

Well, Two different and unique people must say.! Totally.!

One is totally religious while the other is spiritual.! One says yes, other co-incidentally says no.! One starts arguing, other continues(which spoils the atmosphere for me to study in :D:D) and when I get into it to make them stop fighting, all i get back is SCOLDINGS from them for no reason of mine.! Lol.! That's why I let them continue and happily sit and listen to their arguments. ! :D

  • My relatives.!
May not be as important as my friends.! But life for me without them too aint complete.! Cousins Cousins and Cousins are all I have.! Have some 15 of them.! :0

But it's fun with them.! A weekend hangout with them followed by some gully cricket with cousins including my uncles is all I have time for in the weekend.!

Abishek, Vignesh, Rishi, Ananya, Praveen to name a few are all unique in their own way.!

One I go out with always and in return gets me something or the other even if i say NO.! Kickass Company ! (Recently got a shorts which was shorter than an underwear).!

Next, a Silent Killer should say.! Hehe.! Hardly talks but comes up with Valid and Just points.!

"ONLY SUCCESS" is what can describe my other cousin ! :D:D Has a "problem" with me for saying "OK" ! I always say I'll "TRY" not to use it but finally end up using it.! "DON'T KNOW" why.! Hehe.!

And the rest 2 are small but too very kind.! TOTAL FUN to be with .!

1 comment:

Anupama said... write very well indeed! Your sense of humour is present through out your article and I have a smile on my face since I read it.
Keep it up and maybe you can write a blog about your aunts too!!